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First Aviation Academy Safety Team Elevates Standards through Basic Occupational Safety and Health Training

First Aviation Academy Safety Team Elevates Standards through Basic Occupational Safety and Health Training

Safety is a cornerstone of the aviation industry, and at First Aviation Academy, it’s a commitment that is taken to heart. In a strategic move to further enhance safety practices and ensure the wellbeing of all stakeholders, the academy’s safety team recently participated in the Basic Occupational Safety and Health Training conducted by Safety and Sustainability Review Board (SSRB) of PTC Holdings.

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Pilot Training in the Philippines

Pilot Training in the Philippines

The Philippines is one of the preferred venue to pursue pilot training due to the country’s affordable yet quality aviation programs. With Airbus and Boeing forecasting a rise in demand for commercial pilots in the next 10 to 20 years, more and more students from around the world are going to the Philippines to take up pilot training and pursue their dream.

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