Graduation Message of DOTR Secretary, Hon. Jaime J. Bautista to First Aviation Academy Graduates
Read the graduation message of Hon. Jaime J. Bautista, Secretary of the Department of Transportation to the graduates and guests of FAA’s first graduation ceremonies:

First Aviation Academy Welcomes Fresh Batch of Pilot Trainees for 2023
After the successful graduation of the first batch of pilot cadets last month, First Aviation Academy was quick to introduce a fresh batch of 11 young pilots this year.

What are the Vision Requirements for pilot training in the Philippines?
The Civil Aviation Authority of the Philippines (CAAP) follows the guidelines set by the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) and the International Air Transport Association (IATA) which are similar to the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) standards of the United Estates.

What is Instrument Flying and Its Importance in Pilot Training?
Instrument flying is the ability to fly an aircraft using only the instruments of the cockpit, rather than relying on visual cues outside the aircraft. It is an important skill for pilots because it allows them to fly in conditions where visibility is limited, such as in clouds or at night.

What is the Best Age for Pilot Training in the Philippines?
The best age for pilot training can vary depending on the individual and their goals. However, in general, the earlier someone begins training, the more time they will have to gain experience and advance in their career.

What is the Importance of UPRT in Pilot Training?
UPRT stands for Upset Prevention and Recovery Training, which is a type of training that helps pilots learn how to handle and recover from unexpected situations or “upsets” in the aircraft, such as stall, spiral or unusual attitude.

CAE Philippines Visits Student Pilots of First Aviation Academy
Representatives of CAE Philippines visited the training facility of First Aviation Academy on 17 August 2022 at Subic International Airport.

First Aviation Academy Signs A320 Type-Rating Agreement with Alpha Aviation Group Philippines
The aviation industry both here and abroad has started to open up and recover with only China remaining as the last country with strict border controls. In its Pilot and Technician Outlook last year, Boeing released a still very bullish forecast for pilot demand…

More Pilots Needed in the Next 20 Years
The global aviation industry is slowly waking up as the impact of the unprecedented COVID pandemic is waning. In North America and in Europe, it is coming back to almost pre-pandemic levels already. This is evidence of the resilience of the aviation industry in general.

FAA Chair Visits Subic and Clark Campuses
The newly installed Chairman of First Aviation Academy and Macro Asia’s President and Chief Operating Officer Mr. Eduardo Luis Luy visited our Subic campus at SBIA and our newly renovated Clark campus last November 23, 2021. The Chief executive toured the facility...